List of enemies

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Note: 'Pizza Tower equivalent' section has been removed on dev request, as the enemies are no longer strictly designed to fall in line with Pizza Tower, so it just makes the whole thing rather unhelpful for later levels. Croakolate was removed from the enemies page because it’s a level obstacle

Appearing enemies

So far, there are a variety of enemies in the current demo of Sugary Spire.

Enemy Name Level debut Behavior
Coneboy cutout.png Coneboy Cutout Tutorial Does nothing. Replenishes Combo, but doesn't add to it. Respawns when revisiting the room.
Spr harryNEW.gif Gummy Harry Stays in place in one spot in every level . Defeating him starts Sugar Rush.
Spr gumslime walk.gif Gumslime Crunchy Construction Slugs around. Doesn't hurt the player.
Spr knight walk.gif Smoreknight Wanders and hurts the player upon contact in the front. Will not hurt if approached at Mach 3 or more.
Spr juicewalk.gif Googly Juice Wanders and doesn't hurt the player directly. When defeated, it drops its juice that makes you slip when coming into contact.
Miniharry walk.gif Mini-Harry Does nothing initially. When in line of sight, it will relentlessly chase after the player, hurting them on contact. Can not be scared.
ENcottonwitch walk.gif Cotton Witch Cottontown Roams around. When spotted by the player, it will teleport away and then reappear behind the player and blast them with a star beam.
Cottonblimp fly.gif C.C. Pilot Flies around. When the player gets underneath it, it’ll drop a bomb to damage them
Banana idle.gif Banancer Sugarshack Mines Sleeps in one place, but when the player approaches, it wakes up and charges after them, following wherever they go
Sluggyidle.gif Sluggy Inches along, it’ll jump high when the player gets near them, but when confronted in caramel goop, it’ll dig underneath it and charges at them before jumping
Losercream.gif Cream Thief A sneaky devil who waits in a hot rod car until the player comes next to it and races for Confecti, the player wins by getting the confecti before Cream Thief
Spr finnishfish idle.gif Swedish Fish Flies in one spot, when it spots the player, it charges at them until hitting a wall
Cracker walk.gif Cracker Kicker Molasses Swamp Walks around, when the player gets near it, it kicks them into their ball transformation until they hit a wall
Spr boxfrog idle.gif Box Frog Waits inside a box before jumping out to hurt the player, then hops around
Spr dartFrog.gif Dart Frog Positions itself in the level tile set, when the player is in their vision, it spits out projectiles to hurt them
Guardian charge.gif Guardian ”Disguises” itself as level decoration, until when the player picks up the Spookey, it then wakes up and chases the player

Upcoming enemies

NOTE: These are enemies that have been shown off but are not in any public builds of the game. To do:

  • Add sprites for Bee Soldier
  • Add sprites for Ice-Screamer 3000.1
  • Add sprites for Watermelon
  • Add sprites for Popcorn enemy
Enemy Name (not confirmed) Possible first appearance
Eskimo walk.gif Mintaineer Mt. Fudgetop
Storncloudnewidle.gif Groggulus
Popice walk.gif Popice
Badmarsh walk.gif Marshmallow Bulldog Chocoa Cafe
Fancy walk.gif Fancy Pancake
Bacon walk.gif Baconator
IMG 2662.webp Meloncool Dance-off!
IMG 2502.jpeg Popper Corn
IMG 2678.jpeg Ice-Screamer 3000.1 Sting Operation
IMG 2677.jpeg Unknown Bee Enemy [1]
IMG 2674.jpeg Bee Soldier [2]
IMG 2705.jpeg Banjo Bee [3]
Spit gum.png Honey slime
Eyescream fly.gif Eye Scream Sucrose Snowstorm
Mintsplosion walk.gif Mintsplosion [4][5] Sucrose Snowstorm
Spr snowcloudwalk.gif Snow Cloud Sucrose Snowstorm

Unused enemies

Enemies that have been scrapped or unused.

Enemy Name (mostly unconfirmed)
Spr charcherry run.gif Charcherry
337 x 204px The Applejim Express
Throw.gif Gumball Machine
0 goblin.png Pop Rock Goblin(?)
Batcup.gif Batcup
Ban in a can.gif Spicy Jam
Ninjascoop.png Ninja Scoop
Anotherthing.png Tribe Cotton Candy
Wallslop2.png Jared
Unnamedpopcorndude.PNG Unnamed popcorn enemy
IMG 2911.webp Unnamed popcorn enemy
IMG 3002.png Martian Colonizer [6]
IMG 3001.png An armadillo enemy that bears a resemblance to pink sweet bread


  • In the thumbnail of the Deliv3ry dev log video, one can see a popcorn character that heavily resembles the unused popcorn enemy.
  • Cracker Kicker was present in an old beta build of the game, originally first appearing in Sugarshack Mines, where it behaved identically to the Pepperoni Goblin. The sprites are still leftover in the files of the current demo.
  • While the unnamed goblin enemy is unused and will likely remain as such, remnants of it such as the bomb animations still exist.
  • The Applejim Express was the only reference to Applejim in the first public Demo of SS.