The Applejim Express

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The Applejim Express is a train that appears in Sugarshack Mines. It has Applejim's face on it with clock eyes emitting pink cotton candy clouds from its smokestack and has caramel dripping off the front when it moves.


The train only appears in Sugarshack Mines during minecart sections. At the start of the chase as well as during it, the train will play sounds akin to that of a train horn. The train will then begin to chase you, using springs to hop from rail to rail to keep up with you. If you go into a section with no rails, the train will explode and end the chase shortly after. If you fail to complete the chase either by falling off the rails or by getting hit by the train, you will be put back before the start of the chase and will have to redo it. The train makes a total of three appearances in the level.


  • The train is actually labelled as Spray in the files.
    • This is in reference to Spray, an old joke character who was a placeholder for the train before sprites were made.
  • Originally, The Applejim Express was meant to appear in Cottontown during the construct era (as in, what was finished for the level in the construct build). There are multiple train chase segments during the escape featuring none other than Spray (who was previously stated to be a placeholder for the train).
  • Pizzano appears to be the one driving the Applejim Express in Sugarshack Mines. If you were to watch the train blowing up, you would see Pizzano falling into the distance with the debris of the train.
  • The Applejim Express is the only thing referencing the scrapped character Applejim, with the train not only being named after him, but also looking like him.
