List of characters

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A list of important characters in Sugary Spire. See also: Miscellaneous Characters, List of enemies.

Character Role Brief Description
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Pizzelle Protagonist A petty, insecure candy shop owner who raids the Sugary Spire out of spite.
Spr rosette soundtest.gif
Rosette Acquaintance of Pizzelle A friendly, outgoing baker who unwittingly aids Pizzelle in her quest to raid the Spire.
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Marble Rosette's buddy An intelligent Croakolate who is usually seen in the company of Rosette.
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The Painter The Painter A talented but uninspired artist with a paintbrush for a head.
Confecti Collectable Confectioneries Sentient candy creatures that have been imprisoned inside glass cages. Needed in order to progress through the Spire.
Spr harryNEW.gif Gummy Harry Sugar Rusher A giant gummy bear that, when hit, initiates a level's Sugar Rush.
Rudy Handyman A blue dude with an attitude, Rudy is Gummy Harry’s nephew. Although he works for the Sugary Spire, Rudy will happily help Pizzelle steal from his employer without a second thought.
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Jerald Polka Janitor An orange ice cream man who maintains the Lap 2 portal and allows the player to pass through it during Sugar Rush.
Ice-Pop Tutorial character An elderly ice cream cone that gives the player his best advice in between his nonsensical ramblings.
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Coneball Main Antagonist An ominous floating ball of ice cream and the owner/operator of the Sugary Spire. Once the timer runs out in Sugar Rush, he appears to chase the player out.
The G Mob Boss A short, greedy man with underworld connections. He guards the boss gates, and Pizzelle will need to bribe him in order to use them.
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Gumbob Various A Gumslime who works as a graffiti artist, a comedian, a soda jerk, a wad of gum, and other such positions. He does not take requests for any of his jobs.
Pizzano Rival A washed-up superhero actor who now works as a mascot for the Spire. His powers aren't just special effects.
Stinky Mechanic/Underling of Pizzano A lanky mechanic in the employ of the Pizzano. He resents the mistreatment he receives from his boss, but the work is fulfilling and it pays well.
Coneboy Coneball's Son A child made of strawberry icecream.