Sugarshack Mines

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Music mines.png

Sugarshack Mines is the fourth level in Sugary Spire, and fourth level of the first floor.

This level takes place in a mine that digs for Jawbreakers, and is populated by hungry gnome miners. In the last section of the level, the terrain is pitch black. This Level introduces Rosette and the Minecart Transformation.


  • The marshmallow Confecti is at the beginning of the second room, "Demolition Men Ahead", easily obtainable to the left of a Sluggy.
  • The chocolate bar Confecti is at the end of the room "Jawbreaker Center". The player needs to give a Gnome Miner a donut to make way to the Confecti.
  • The s'more confecti is in the room "Mining For Confecti", which is accessible in the middle of the room "Jawbreaker Center". The player needs to destroy jawbreaker blocks to obtain the Confecti.
  • The gummy worm Confecti is in the beginning of the room "Straight Drop", and is also hidden behind a Miner Wall.
  • The candy Confecti is in the room "Sugary Spire Underground", to the left the whole time. However, once again, it is hidden behind a Miner Block, and the player needs to give a donut to the Gnome Miner to destroy the wall and collect the Confecti.


The first secret "Jawbreaking Secret" is near the end of the room "Excavation Site", near the last Jawbreaker block leading to the exit of the room. It can be accessed by super jumping through the ladder visible above. The room contains plenty of jawbreakers with candy in them, along with four Gumslimes. A precise jump is necessary to exit the room, as it it protected by two jawbreakers.

The second secret, "Do You Smell Something Burning", is halfway below the room "Jawbreaker Center". After taking the path below at the start of the room and going through the second boiling caramel section, A gap with a slightly broken wall can be seen. Attacking it will reveal the secret. Here, the player needs to use the Firebutt and Minecart transformations to collect candy and destroy Chocolate Frogs.

The third secret, "Mineycarting", is at the start of the room "Even Straighter Drop", on the far right before descending into the room, there is a skull block, which can only be destroyed by running through it at Mach 3. Run through near the start of the room to reach Mach 3, destroy the block, and reach the secret. Here, the player uses the Minecart transformation and Speed Boosters to traverse across the room and reach the Giant Candy at the end.


  • It's common for players to get stuck in the first secret area and believe they are softlocked, when this is not the case. Pizzelle is able to do a grab jump which instantly sets her to mach 2. Using this trick, you can wall jump out of the "softlock" area of the secret.
  • Sugarshack Mines is a common pick for "Least Favorite Sugary Spire Demo 1 Level", and faced a tumultuous design process.
    • This level was a result of a rush job. During the development of the level, MrUnown was faced with a storm that cut off his power and communication leading to the level getting delayed.
  • This level is similar to Bloodsauce Dungeon and early versions of Gnome Forest from Pizza Tower.
  • The room "Rossettes Humble Shoppe" misspells Rosette's name.


