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Confecti are sweet-like beings found in Sugary Spire, playing the role of Toppins from Pizza Tower.


A white marshmallow with black legs and a tongue that is constantly sticking out. It's on fire during Sugar Rush.

Chocolate Bar

A half-unwrapped chocolate bar with a cap. Gains a baseball bat and a helmet during Sugar Rush.


What appears to be a smaller version of the Smoreknight, with a small knight helmet that has a feather on top. Gains a weapon and a shield during Sugar Rush.

Gummy Worm

A snake/worm like creature with 2 legs and what appears to be a spiked collar. It also seems to have a red tongue. Its pupils enlarge with fear during Sugar Rush.


A pink wrapped candy with legs. It is unspecified if it is a hard candy or a soft candy. Turns brown and becomes tearful in Sugar Rush.


  • The S'more Confecti is called "crack" in the game's files.
  • The Marshmallow Confecti is repeatedly misspelled as "marshmellow" in the files, once even "marshemellow". It has only been spelled correctly for one animation.
  • Clicking on the 3 Confecti on Pizzele's website will play a cover of "Steamy Cotton Candy", Cottontown's A Theme.
  • The S'more Confecti is a little similar to the Cheese Toppin from Pizza Tower.
  • The Candy Confecti's walking animation is similar to the Tomato Toppin from Pizza Tower.




Scrapped Animations

Scoutdigo Animations