Scrapped Content

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Just like Pizza Tower (and any other game for that matter), Sugary Spire has a lot of scrapped content! In this page we plan to cover every bit of scrapped content we can find. This will be split into sections to avoid being unorganized.

Scrapped Characters

To start with our first category, Scrapped Characters. This category will shed some light on the scrapped characters of Sugary Spire.


Applejim is a candy apple doused in caramel that was the Sugary Spire replacement for Pepperman early on. He had a few sprites leftover in the files of the public demos. The character was scrapped for "Being a fucking bastard", and was replaced by (or rather, recycled into) The Sheriff.

The Bartender

Bartender was the precursor to Gumbob and was the original Vigilante equivalent. Bartender looked almost identical to Vigilante except for his hat and colors, and other than that he looked almost exactly the same. Due to him not being very unique he was scrapped for Gumbob.


Beanpole was the old Gustavo equivalent, being Mr. Stick with a Gustavo like personality. From what is known he would have used his mechanical expertise to help Pizzelle out. His original design had an orange outfit with a white chef apron and hat. He was later changed to have a green hat with a dark red apron with mitten like gloves.

Peep Dragon

This was an equivalent to the Cheese Dragon from Pizza Tower. It was a derpy looking marshmallow dragon which had 4 color variations (but the most commonly seen is the pink one) and had its sprites made during the construct era. The purpose of it for the construct era is unknown, but it was likely the same purpose it would have fulfilled in the scrapped Dragon’s Lair level found in the files of the Sugary Spire revival demo.

Bear Mechanic

The original boss for World One, all that was made for him was concept art, he never got far enough to have any sprites or code made for him. He was planned to have been the guy who made the Cottontown Clock Tower and would have fought you using machines.


The Bomb Goblin equivalent that was never added for whatever reason. Assets were made but never fully finalized.

Bomb Goblin Equivalent

A pink Bomb Goblin wearing a box a black box with colored dots all over it. They walked around and when you got close, they would lick a bomb rock which they were holding before throwing it. The sprites weren't fully finished. The fact that they looked very unoriginal was most likely the reason why it was scrapped.

Officer Woopie Pie

He was the Mac equivalent (for the Weenie Cop characters) and was only ever in an old playtest build with Gumslime sprites as a placeholder. He would chase the player and once touching them the player would be in a stunned state only being able to walk around. This was all that was ever done for him.

Gumball Machine

A gumball machine with eyes that was just a copy of the old Trash Pan. It would spit out gumballs and if you were hit by said gumball you would be stuck to it as it rolled forward only being able to jump until you hit a wall and were back to normal. This was most likely scrapped for being a copy of Trash Pan.


Spray is a train that appeared in the construct build of ss in the escape area for Cottontown. He is a png of Thomas the Tank Engine with a very demonic looking tongue and big eyes with red irises. If he touched the player then they would be flattened for a few seconds before getting back up. Spray was replaced by The Applejim Express and was put in Sugarshack Mines instead of Cottontown. The reason for him being scrapped was because he was a placeholder for the train and never intended to be in the final game. Interestingly enough if you check the files for the game you can see the sprites for the applejim express is labeled Spray, showing he still lives on in spirit, Godspeed you demon train bastard.


The old version of Gustavo, where he was the Mr. Stick equivalent except being less greedy and more kind. He was replaced with Spadetake for the revive but then after a while he was replaced with The G.


Another old Mr. Stick equivalent, being Snick with Mr. Stick's greedy personality. He was a dark purple porcupine wearing a small fedora hat. Snitch could be seen in the Twitch clip Sugar My Spire, where he presumably would've been an NPC. He was eventually scrapped and replaced by The G.

Sour Buddies

These were enemies that came out of Sour Buddies candy packets, they would run around and would cling onto the player, slowing them down until shaken off from moving around. A single Sour Buddy wouldn't do much but in big numbers they could be a hindrance. They were scrapped due to just not being that interesting and not adding much to levels.

Hot Sundae

Hot sundae was an enemy that Randy designed, and soon grew to hate. They are canonically dead and will not come back.


The old Pizzaface/Pizzahead equivalent, he owned the spire and was the main antagonist. It was unknown if he would have attacked the player when time ran out in sugar rush or what he would have done. When the revive happened and the old lore was scrapped he was scrapped with it and replaced with Coneball.


A super early SS original character They were going to be the right hand minion to The Candyman They were meant to be all made of licorice. When the revive happened and the old lore was scrapped he was scrapped with it.


an even older Pizzaface/Pizzahead equivalent, he owned the spire and was the main antagonist. When the revive happened and the old lore was scrapped he was scrapped with it and replaced with Coneball.

Detective/Hunter Milkshake

The Peter Weenie equivalent. He originally was a detective, but later on was changed to a hunter. The plan was he would hunt the player down and they would have to hide from Hunter using a bush disguise. Code for the bush disguise along with placeholder sprites were made but the whole idea along with Hunter Milkshake was scrapped.


The old Snick equivalent, they were scrapped for being pointless. Sometimes people think that Yogurt uses He/Him pronouns, but it's They/It.

Fake Pizzelle

Fake Pizzelle was a character created before the game's story was rewritten. As the name implied, they were meant to be the Sugary Spire equivalent to Fake Peppino. the idea was that since he has long arm he can grab you randomly on a spooky level like there are vents in the ceeling and his hands burst out and swipes you. He wore an orange outfit and retained Fake Peppino's features, with long limbs, two tiny eyes that hung out of their sockets, and a dopey smile. He was scrapped for unknown reasons, but the most likely answer is that there seemed to be no purpose to add a Fake Pizzelle.

Fake Pizzano

Another idea for a fake, this time of Pizzano. He had sprites made where he had a white outfit along with blue gloves, boots, bandana and cape. He was quite large, being around two to three times bigger than Pizzano. He was scrapped again for unknown reasons, most likely not making it far in development.

Spadetake/Mr. Spadetake

the OG SS Gustavo.

Tribal cheese equivalent

In one of the oldest builds of Sugary Spire found in a test room (which also holds what was done for Officer Woopie Pie) Is an unfinished enemy that is made up of either cotton or Gumslime, being large, resembling the Tribal Cheese, and having a lollipop sticking out of their fronts in place of a pizza cutter. They would hop over the player if they saw them, but that was all that was done for them before they were scrapped.

Ninja Scoop

The equivalent of Ninja Slice, being a grape/blackberry flavored ice cream and wielding a pair of scoops. They presumably would've disguised themselves as a Coneboy Cutout and attack the player when they get close. It's unknown if they would attack similarly to the old Ninja Slice, judging from their design. They were scrapped for unknown reasons.

The Sweetza

The equivalent of The Scrapped Pizza lady enemy. It is unknown how she would have functioned but she was scrapped for unknown reasons.

Spicy Jam

Another enemy designed by Randy that was a giant walking can of spicy jam with a face and a large flame above his head. They were planned to appear in Sugarshack Mines, melting blocks beneath their flames, but from what is known they most likely would not work well based on statements from the developers.


Yet another enemy designed by Randy. It was a flying peanut butter cup that would have have appeared in Sugarshack Mines. They would spin at the player when they were near and most likely would have hurt the player if spun into. It was said this enemy and Spicy Jam were scrapped due to their relations with a former team member.


An orange cotton creature with one eye that would have climbed on walls and possibly spat projectiles. He was scrapped as an enemy but he can still be found in the background of Cottontown's clock section.

Donut Shitter

An green ball with face creature and gloves, its unknown how would Donut Shitter work likely judging by it's name


there were minibosses plannedt at them but scrapped for breaking pace too much

Scrapped levels

To continue on with our second category, here are some levels that were scrapped for various reasons. Enjoy.

Soursweet Jungle

This was basically a previous iteration of Molasses Swamp except not themed around molasses. Developers have said its rooms may be leftover in a playtester build, but the only remnants of it that exist are a tileset for it that was found on the discord and in an old version of the HUB sprite which contains a small area with jungle aesthetics. It is likely that this level would have contained the bush mechanic and Hunter Milkshake.

Chocolate Theme Park Level

An even earlier iteration of Molasses Swamp before it had its jungle/woods theme. The developers (more specifically soda) has posted the background for it in the Sugary Spire discord, but that seems to be all that was made for it (as far as we know), before it was scrapped.

The background for the chocolate theme park level that was posted on the Sugary Spire discord.

Bar Level

In the old HUB sprite that had remnants of Soursweet Jungle, there was also decorations for some kind of bar level. It is unknown what the level would have been like or what gimmicks would have been contained in it or if any concept art was even made for it.

Cocoa Catacombs

This was a level that was a somewhat Graveyard equivalent except being more like Graveyard instead of an opposite to it, the level was replaced by Molasses Swamp which is not at all related to Graveyard. The level would have featured an enemy known as Gingerbones.


An idea for a Pizzascare equivalent, taking place in a stormy version of Cottontown. It was planned for World 2 but nothing was made for it.


Yet another idea for a Pizzascare equivalent; this time, things were actually made for it! Sadly, it ended up being scrapped.

Dragon's Lair Level

At one point there was going to be a Dragon's Lair styled level with you chasing down a dragon (presumably the Peep Dragon that was found in the sprite folder posted for Sugary Spire when it was cancelled) and had you seemingly running through areas themed around the different levels. This was eventually scrapped possibly because it either wasn't fun or interesting.

Martian's Freezer

Martian's Freezer was the original last level for World 2 and got replaced by/turned into Sting Operation. Not much is known about it other than it would have had a goo transformation where Pizzelle would be covered in this green goo making her shorter and look like some sort of squid.

The background made for Martian's Freezer. Posted by baph.

Wafer Walls

Wafer Walls was the old John Gutter equivalent not much to say because there is nothing about it in the old tumblr Sugary Spire post but it was replaced by Crunchy Construction.

Chocolove Struck

Chocolove Struck was the old Ancient Cheese equivalent. It would have been a lost city with Valentine's Day happening in it. Again it is unknown if sprites were made for this level.

Mt. Poprock

Quoted from Mr Unown, “it’s liek fudgetop plus mines”

Scoop War

Probably a scrapped war equivalent level

Candyman’s Casino

Based off the level name, its probably a casino level.

Soursweet Island

An older version of Soursweet Jungle, but less jungle-ish.

Soursweet Wilds

Also probably an older version of Soursweet Jungle, also less jungle-ish.

Horror Attraction

Most likely the replacement of Dont Make A Sound.

Sugarcone Oasis

Judging by the name its probably a whole new level taking place in some kind of desert.

Layercake Desert

Very likely to be an early or later version of Sugarcone Oasis.

SweetShot Course

Based on its name it seems to be some kind of old golf equivalent.

Old level ideas.jpeg

Scrapped gimmicks/mechanics

As the name states, this category will cover scrapped gimmicks/mechanics for levels that were scrapped for various reasons. Cheers.

Bush Disguise

Pizzelle would have dressed as a bush as a way to hide from hunter milkshake. This was scrapped for unknown reasons but the most likely answer is that it wasn't fun.

Shoulder Bash

Pizzelle was originally going to have a shoulder bash after one day a developer posted a joke sprite of Pizzelle preforming a shoulder bash. Soda said he would start testing it and it would be replacing the grab. Marioket talked Soda out of it and the same day it was announced, it was scrapped and then given to Pizzano. Pizzano had the shoulder bash in his fusion moveset before it was scrapped again, possibly for good this time.

Candy Cane

The Sugary Spire version of the shotgun from Pizza Tower, but instead of it being a shotgun it was just a large candy cane. Pizzelle could charge forward with it, and when she hit an enemy with it she would whack them with the cane and they would go flying forward. Pizzelle could also preform a ground pound/bounce move where if you held down Pizzelle would hold the cane below her, building up speed to break blocks below her, and once the cane hit the ground she would bounce back up, rinse and repeat until the player stopped holding down. This was scrapped for unknown reasons.

Footage of the Candy Cane transformation.

E Rank

The precursor to the P rank and was the equivalent of it. This was eventually scrapped and replaced with the P rank.

Go For The Gold

A precursor to both the P rank and E rank, functioning similar to it. It would have apparently limited the players moveset. This was eventually scrapped for unknown reasons.

Bomb Rock

These were the Sugary Spire equivalents to the bombs in Pizza Tower, except instead of functioning like they do in the final game, they work like how bombs do in the SAGE demo. This was scrapped for just not being that fun.

Raising And Lowering Water

Originally the gimmick of Molasses Swamp was using levers to make the molasses water rise to remove geysers of molasses that blocked your path. It was a unique idea but it essentially boiled down to reaching point A (the geyser), going to point B (the lever), activating the lever (which almost always filled the entire screen with brownish water) and then heading back to point A to proceed through the level. This was scrapped for being boring and not fun.


This was basically the old version of the Cottonrun, where if you dived into the ground in the cotton transformation you would roll forward. This was recycled into the Cottonrun before it got scrapped and then repurposed into the Cottonslide and the returning Cottonrun.

Ice Physics

At one point in development, Mt. Fudgetop had ice which also came with ice physics. This was scrapped for being annoying and just making the level harder.


One of the original ideas for Sugarshack Mines during the Construct Era was to have elevators. This was scrapped due to the developers not being able to come up with anything creative or fun with them./It.

Tube of Cream

In the Construct Era there was a tube of cream. If you removed the cap then you would have most likely been able to ground pound it in order to have it release cream. This can be found in the Construct Beta that's pinned in fresh delivery of the time in the Sugary Spire discord, but all that was done for it was being able to remove the cap.


There were ideas for a slingshot gimmick which would have been the Sugary Spire equivalent to Golf from Pizza Tower. You would have used a slingshot to destroy structures, similar to Angry Birds. This idea never got past the concept phase and was scrapped for unknown reasons.


Another idea for a Sugary Spire equivalent this time the Greaseball with its counterpart being a large orange gumball with a derpy face named Dumball. This got scrapped for unknown reasons.

Silver Coneboy

we dont talk about silver coneboy


There was an idea for a Minigame featuring a tiny version of Pizzelle with a tiny Dumball. Not much was made for it and it was eventually scrapped due to the minigame just not being worth the time and effort.


This was going to be used in Cottonstorm where in the cotton transformation you could get blown around by fans and had to use it to make jumps you otherwise couldn't. When Cottonstorm was scrapped the fans were scrapped with it.

Music Notes

Dance-off originally had large music notes that if you pressed jump while overlapping with them you would preform an extra jump. They were fun but were too punishing, and oftentimes you would seemingly press the jump button on the notes but it wouldn't work. They were changed where instead you were launched by the notes into a set area, automating the whole thing. This lead to it eventually being scrapped.

Coneboy Transformation

Sucrose Snowstorm was originally going to have a transformation presumably reminiscent of how Coneboy plays. It even looks similar to Coneboy.

Stupid Fun Facts!

  • Cracker Kicker isn't scrapped he's in Deliv3ry.
  • Mechanical Madness was never a level nor discussed to be one, and was apparently some random text a developer on an old sugary spire build, heres proof.
No mechanical.jpeg
  • Layercake Desert shares a name with a world from the game New Super Mario Bros. U. It is unknown if this was intentional or not.
  • Unlike Popular Belive Fake Pizzelle is a male as reffered in a dev message on the ss discord