Sucrose Snowstorm

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Sucrose Snowstorm is a level that was officially teased in the Sugary Spire YouTube channels' video "calm before the storm," in which Pizzelle is shown standing in front of the entrance door, as snow begins to fall.

The background shows a Large Cherry in the sky with White eyes, and a small crack on the top. An old, somewhat destroyed building is visible on the right, and a face that looks similar to Gummy Harry can be seen in a pile of snow to the left of the building and a block made out of snow


  • The name of the level was also teased in the official video, but rather than being in the video itself, it was in the videos' description.
  • Similarly, its the only level to have a dedicated teaser video.
  • Sucrose Snowstorm was actually used in a mod for Rivals of Aether, made by scoutthesnow, a coder for Sugary Spire.

Gallery (WIP)

Sugary Spire

Rivals Of Aether