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Jerald is one of the janitors in Sugary Spire. He resembles an orange ball of ice cream with a pair of orange legs. He has a brown waffle cone on the top of his head, a pair of disembodied gloved hands, and a singular eye. Jerald can be seen guiding the player to the exit during Sugar Rush. He shares this role with Rosette.


  • Jerald originally shared Rudy's role as a janitor. Whereas Rudy would be used to find the secret treasure, Jerald would be used to do laps. He was then repurposed to guide the player during Sugar Rush along with Rosette.
  • People keep arguing if his actual name is Jerald or Polka, even though it has been stated that its both as Jerald is his first name and Polka is his last name.


General Animations
