A Sweet Summary of Sugary Spire

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What is Sugary Spire?

Made by i forgot the name and currently directed by MrUnown, Sugary Spire is a fangame of the indie game Pizza Tower! Whereas Pizza Tower is all about that greasy, sweaty, and cheesy fun, Sugary Spire is about all things sweet, sticky n’ delicious!

Sugary Spire acts as a sort of swap AU for Pizza Tower, with The Noise and Peppino switching places to create Pizzelle and Pizzano, as well as other characters getting swapped as well. However, many enemies and such don't get swapped, but rather doused with a coat of sugar to create candy variants of them! From the common Gumslimes, to our antagonist, Coneball, and everything in between!

Despite the character swaps, personalities will not be 1:1, so one can expect there to be additions to characters, or differences with their placement in the plot. Such as Pizzano's additional role as an enemy shooting bombs in a yet to be released level.