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Ranks are given out after the end of each level and judge you on your total score and performance through a level. A higher rank will be awarded to the player as their score increases, or if certain criteria are met. There are 6 ranks to earn as follows:

  • D Rank: This rank is given out when the player earns an incredibly low amount of points in a level. Pizzelle is shown during the rank screen to be very mad towards the player for their horrible score.
  • C Rank: This rank is given out when the player earns a meh amount of points in a level. Pizzelle is shown during the rank screen to be embarrassed at the players' low score.
  • B Rank: This rank is given out when the player gets an ok amount of points in a level. Pizzelle is shown during the rank screen to be happy to the player, giving them two thumbs-up.
  • A Rank: This rank is given out when the player earns a high amount of points in a level. Pizzelle is shown during the rank screen to be excited towards the player, raising a thumbs up high in the air.
  • S Rank: This Rank is given out when the player crosses a certain higher point threshold in a level. Pizzelle is shown during the rank screen to be very smug towards the player, with her hands folded together.
  • P Rank: This rank will most likely be awarded to player for finding all the Secrets, collecting all the Confecti, obtaining the levels Spire Secret Treasures, running Lap 2, and keeping your combo until the end of a level, on top of getting an S rank. Pizzelle is shown during the rank screen to be celebrating the players' amazing performance, posing many times until she strikes one final pose. As she does her final pose, a giant P appears in the background, as well as a group of enemies who all look scared/surprised at Pizzelle.
  • E Rank: A precursor to the P Rank, this rank shows Pizzelle in her S Rank pose, with a poorly drawn E to her top right. The text on the bottom right is surrounded by a very poorly drawn star, with the text "your did it" inside.


Rank Screens



Rank Signs

Rank Bubbles



Scoutdigo Animations



  1. The P rank bubble was ripped from this image I got rid of everything else in the bg and stuff
