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Pizzelle has a handful of transformations. such as Cotton-coated, Frostburn and more!


When Pizzelle touches a cotton candy stand they get this transformation, being completely covered in cotton candy and getting a little cone on their head, that cone being able to be used as a spike to kill enemies. They also get the ability to interact with pink cotton platforms that Pizzelle normally isn't able to. The transformation wears off when Pizzelle gets hit or walks into any water.

Pizzelle's moves during this transformation include:

  • Doing a small forward spin by pressing grab, that being able to kill enemies and chocolate frogs, and doing anything a grab can.
  • When grab is pressed while holding the down arrow when Pizzelle is in the air, They do a fast downspin, being able to do anything a ground pound can and being able to go down cotton platforms. it also kills chocolate frogs.


This transformation appears in Molasses swamp. You enter this transformation via touching the fling frog's candy orb which will put pizzelle into the candy orb. From there you can move around and either have the fling frog fling you upwards or jump out of his grasp. Once you land on solid ground after being flung or jumping you will go back to normal.


The Fireass transformation works near identical to how it does in pizza tower. If you touch some boiling hot caramel you will be put in this state and launched upwards as pizzelle yells in pain. If you touch the boiling hot caramel again you will be launched up again and if you land on ground instead of boiling caramel Pizzelle will slide forward before going back to normal. It was confirmed that this transformation is going to be replaced with something more creative, so technically it's scrapped.


To get into the minecart transformation you must touch a minecart (which always start on rails) and from there you are in the transfo. In the minecart transformation you can hold forward to accelerate, jump and slow down by holding the opposite direction. The minecart transfo lets you ride on minecart rails which are otherwise unusable. If pizzelle takes the minecart off the rails it will slow down before stopping and then launching pizzelle out before it explodes.




What this transformation does is currently unknown however it seems to be different based on if the character is playing as Pizzelle or Pizzano. When Pizzelle gets this transformation they gain an outfit that looks similar to Pizzano's whereas if Pizzano gets the transformation, he gains an outfit that looks strikingly similar to Papyrus from Underswap.