Sugary Spire Wiki talk:Main Page

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the discussion for main page. Might be broken so idk. -Fulsome

about the fandom wiki…

the fandom wiki has been messy to say the least, since our migration tons of people have been spreading leaked/mis-information on it but its nothing we cant fix. so just yeah

fan recreations

regarding fan recreations, yknow how they were deleted? well not anymore!!!! well kinda, we have a page dedicated to them, go check it out! [[1]] <—- IN NOW!!!!!!

where. -Offy


We finally made the ss wiki good, lets hope things get better from here on out. Also thanks to everyone who was supported this wiki and helped it grow, your cool.

So sugary...

So sugary... So sugary... So sugary... So sugary... So sugary... So sugary... So sugary... So sugary... So sugary... So sugary... So sugary... So sugary... So sugary... So sugary... So sugary... So sugary... So sugary...


IS THIS HOW YOU TALK HERE??? (I hate this place it looks like shit [not the wiki, the website itself]) Puffy cloud [unsigned]

To be fair, wiki sites were never meant for flood-like talking. FANDOM's discussions is a rather awry solution, which still hinders wiki's performance, making admins to deal w/ useless stuff while they could focus on quality of the wiki. I advice to use better suited venues like Discord or Reddit, even Tumblr would work better for that than a wiki site. Legroom (talk) 19:13, 8 September 2023 (UTC)



secret gloopy sloopy


Soda messing around with the sprite on one of the dev streams on twitch.

grrr this wiki doesnt have normal discussion page!!!! gr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

why cant we keep using the old wiki!!!!!!!!!!!! it was so much betterrrrr!!!!! >:(((((( stinky wiki.... winky stiki.


-Offy (aka Offoffyoofoofs)

Because fandom sucks and are soulless assholes who literally only care about money and nothing else, they legit kicked out all the admins in the fandom pt wiki and replaced him with a guy who knows nothing about pt and on the zelda wiki they kicked all the admins out, locked the wiki and its now run by an AI.
case and point: fandom is bad and we don't want to support them by using their sight -FulsomeFrog8789
Did you give the wiki to someone else? Or is it now run by AI/guy who knows nothing about SS too? Just asking.
- Offy
Currently, the fandom wiki is still in our hands but it won't be getting updated anymore, we do still maintain it sometimes though. - Listochik (talk) 07:31, 16 September 2023 (UTC)
Alright, one more thing, is it possible to make a normal discussion page or no?
- Offy
It depends on, really. There's a "wiki add-on" which makes talk pages more "user friendly", but it's currently not available on this wiki hosting. But again - I suggest to use talk pages on any wiki site exactly for discussing the wiki; the general talks about wiki's subject (the game in this case) and offtopic/flood come better on Discord and the likes. FANDOM turned their wikis into poor man's social media mostly for ads revenue and SEO boost. Legroom (talk) 12:47, 17 September 2023 (UTC)
Okay! Thanks for the information! Lets hope this wiki will be better than the fandom one!!!!
- Offy
i hope so too! shouldn't be a hard bar to pass --Listochik (talk) 17:57, 17 September 2023 (UTC)

guys were gonna change the theme just wait some days

cuz erm erm yeah

and if you dont see the new logo... we are fixing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


IT Me El stupid From the Old wiki Yeah i guess

new theme?!?!?!?

what??? no way!! this is so awesome just as awesome as the time that i

i know right!!! NeoTheFunny (talk) 10:15, 28 September 2023 (UTC)

Question: Should i recreate pizzano's sidejump(?) sprite from the "Jig Machine" Thumbnail?

So. PaperKitty released a new track, called Jig Machine. You can see pizzano on the thumbnail, most likely performing a new super side jump ( Jig Machine! ). And I want to recreate it since i dont see anyone talk about it too much on this wiki, should I do it? - Offy

The sprite was posted in the SS discord way before jig machine was ever made public so no lol -Fulsome

Oh! I didnt know that. Thanks for info tho! (Context: i am banned on sugary spire discord because long story) -Offy

uhm uhm uhhhhhhhhhhhhh 🥺

what is your favourite level and why? personally i like molasses because lost chocolate is a banger + i like the levels gimmick and theming --Laembersagain (talk) 1:10, 3 November 2023 (UTC)

   My favourite level is cottontown ngl.Has a banger song, although the gimmick with cottoncoated is kinda annoying to me,,..


Can anyone add the new mt fudgetop gameplay? I tried uploading the gif but it says that the file is too big. -Offy

Is devstream stuff ok or is it leaked

First off, we should add some screenshots of stuff and rips to the articles from the progress update. Second and more importantly, is it ok to add stuff and rip sprites from the devstreams. I don't know if they allow that but if so then everyone get to changing

my hads fckng sck

i an --Showstopping Hustle (talk) 14:28, 25 July 2024 (UTC),my hnds bad.

Update: I got surgery and now my hands work better. --Showstopping Hustle (talk) 05:43, 4 August 2024 (UTC)

New Concept Art dump

Hiya. So I was browsing looking for some possible sugary spire stuff, don't ask why. Well, I think I (might) have came across something medium sized. I found an entire folder of concept art (and some sprites we've already seen, but a few new ones too) that seems to date back to the first part of the revival and a bit of the construct era too. I'll let the owners of the wiki shift through and see what's noteworthy enough to be put on the wiki. (dis is only a few of them I think tho) Z5sMNWw.pngYOSuU37.pngWVdj4V0.pngWE4iHO2.pngUON1MqG.pngTransformation.pngTC6rMuN.jpegSgSSetS.pngRQNzAnS.pngRo46ZOm.pngPencer.pngOwLF2nQ.jpegOVIqDf7.jpegNtATlg8.pngNSMIjeK.png

New Construct thing!

Hi guys, its me again. After waking up, I realised I had one construct era tumblr post pinned and decided to go onto the person labeled "@SugarySpire" if I could find any early concept art for the game. And I found a entire discord and some gums art. It seems to mention sundee (or whatever the one before candyman and coneballl was called) in the discord title but it miiiiiiight just be the regular SS discord. Anyway, here's the link (no art because its stubborn) UPDATE: after searching the name of the discord onto google (and seeing cringey minecraft videos) I seemed to have stumbled upon I can only describe as completely and utterly bonkers. Aparently AN ENTIRE SUGARY SPIRE PREQUEL (possibly) FLEW RIGHT UNDER ALL OUR NOSES.


Sugary spire demo is releases today! -Conekitty