Chocoa Cafe

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Music chocoNEW.png

Chocoa Cafe is a level of the second floor of Sugary Spire that was officially shown in the Deliv3ry video. It is meant to be a mix between Fast Food Saloon and GOLF levels from Pizza Tower.

The video shows Pizzelle riding a Marshmallow Dog, which acts similar to the Weenie Mount in Pizza Tower. While riding the dog, the player must dunk the dog in cups of hot chocolate in the ground in order to progress. It also shows the Sugary Spire version of the Teleporter Pizza and Switch Blocks, which have Coneball faces.

The version of Chocoa Cafe shown on video is unfinished, with the ground being collision tiles and only a small portion of the level that is shown has a background. However, it's been stated that Chocoa Cafe is getting a redesign. Progress on it was streamed on Twitch by developer Soda, showcasing 2 new enemies, and candles that would give Pizzelle the Fireass transformation whenever if she jumps on them. Most of the core mechanics such as the dog itself were kept intact.


  • Chocoa is a portmanteau of Chocolate and Cocoa.
  • The music that is played in the video is different than the music that does play in the level, "Run the Dog".
  • Chocoa Cafe was originally named Bonbon Estate and much more resembled Mansion.
