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The delectable OST of the Sugary Spire. The soundtrack is quite different from Pizza Tower's OST, but as SS is still being worked on; many songs have been remade or scrapped but this page will document them for your viewing pleasure.


SoundCloud Thumbnail Song Composer Usage/Note
Place of the holder.png Title Theme Jessie Productions / Cable Title Screen (duh)
GoodMorning1.png Good Morning! Stewart Keller/SK. New Hub Theme for The Game
Pickyourpoisondumbass.jpg Pick Your Poison Stewart Keller/SK. Originally known as "pick a palette!", New Palette Select Theme for The Game
Place of the holder.png Family Friendly PaperKitty Tutorial.
Artworks-iqqlr9NBu4WIlKAK-ez5QqA-t240x240.jpg Down - To - Noise RodMod Crunchy Construction's main level theme
Pizzano real.jpeg Pizzanos Obligatory Orchestral Play PaperKitty Pizzano's theme, possibly for Crunchy Construction
Artworks-3zbyDz1w6e3iVEif-OpvyxQ-t240x240.jpg There's a secret inside my breakfast? RodMod Crunchy Contruction's secret theme
SugarRush coverart.jpg Sugar Rush (CableChords & The8BitDrummer Re-Edit) RodMod, CableChords & The8BitDrummer Sugar Rush theme when playing as Pizzelle
Oh my.jpeg Blue Licorice PaperKitty Sugar Rush theme when playing as Pizzano.
Sweet release of death.png Sweet Release of Death RodMod The lapping theme.
Mah dic-.jpg Results! PaperKitty The New rank screen theme
Artworks-8p6GejHRTZgy1zJl-ydfFag-t240x240.jpg Steamy Cotton Candy RodMod Cotton-Town's first level theme
CBT.jpg Around The Gateau's Gears RodMod Cotton-Town's second level theme
Glue..jpg Lookie! You've Found a Steamy Surprise RodMod Cotton Town's secret theme
Deep in the pudding.jpg Lost Chocolate JessieProductions / Cable and RodMod Molasses Swamp's first level theme
I eat kids..jpg Found Chocolate JessieProductions / Cable Molasses Swamp's second level theme
Hes gone bro...jpg Man's Lost Secret RodMod Molasses Swamp's secret theme
Speedrunning time boys.jpg Mineshaft Depths RodMod Sugarshack Mines's first level theme
The run is over lads...jpg Cobalt Catastrophe RodMod Sugarshack Mines's second level theme
I busted my damn tooth.jpg A Jawbreaking Secret RodMod Sugarshack Mines's secret theme
Paintercoverart.png Vs. Painter JessieProductions / Cable Painter's theme when fighting him.
Salty Chocolate Balls!.jpg Aw, Fudge! Pteracotta The main theme for Mt. Fudgetop
When she fudging you top but you a terrorist and confectioner.jpg Fudged Up The Consul Presumably the other theme for Mt. Fudgetop. Used to be on Soundcloud but later deleted
Get-the-peanut-but-.jpg Run The Dog PaperKitty Chocoa Cafe theme.
OHSHIT.jpg Sugarcube Hailstorm PaperKitty Sucrose Snowstorm's theme, also used in Scoutdigo V1 when at lap 5 when playing as Pizzelle.
Oh hi stinky -D.png What's that Smell? PaperKitty Stinky's theme.
Wholesome!.jpg buzzy JessieProductions / Cable The theme of the first half of Sting Operation
Aliens that need warming.jpg PLEASE warm up the aliens
somehow or they will start YELLING
at me in a language i don't understand
RodMod Whatever this is used for is not known. But likely used for the scrapped level "Martians Freezer."
Place of the holder.png PIZZA FRIDAY Composer currently unknown,
but could likely be Jessie Productions / Cable
Presumably Pizzano's boss theme, only shown in a stream and likely wont see the light of day until the game is fully released.
Cover jigmachine.png Jig Machine PaperKitty Most likely a new theme for Dance-off!

Unused/Old/Bonus Tracks (WIP)

SoundCloud Thumbnail Song Composer Usage/Note
C A K E.jpg DANCEOFF DELUXE! Jessie Productions / Cable The scrapped song for Dance-off!, confirmed by a comment made by Cable that the song was replaced.
Place of the holder.png Ragtime Ice Cream Gal JessieProductions / Cable Tutorial.(old)
C A K E 2.jpg Secret At The Rave Jessie Productions / Cable The original secret song for Dance-off!, most likely scrapped as according to Cable the song this secret was based off is going to be replaced.
YAH-HAH!.jpg Here comes Pizzano! RodMod yah-hah indeed brother..
Insane former chef...jpg Pizzano's Gnarly Action-packed Themetune SKELETON Pizzano's old Crunchy Construction theme.
Choo chooo MF.jpg Steamy Cotton Candy V1 (Outdated) RodMod Old First-half of Cottontown's theme.
Seamen.jpg Around the Gateau's Gears (Outdated) RodMod Old Second-half of Cottontown's theme.
This aged like milk.jpg Sugarshack Mines V1 (Outdated) RodMod Old Sugarshack mines theme.
ScrumptiousWinner.jpg Scrumptious Winner 101 Undertale / UG101 / h. The original results theme.
Artworks-1NDtDyLyotGzCQYa-TVRj9A-t240x240.jpg Welcome Back! 101Undertale / UG101 / h. The HUB in the public demo!
Place of the holder.png Palette Room JessieProductions / Cable The Palette Room in the public demo!
Place of the holder.png mu_what RodMod A joke song, which is Pizzascape's secret theme in the style of Sugary Spire's secret themes.
Consoom.jpeg A Pizzano Megalo RodMod What in tarnation? (This track is VERY old.)
Artworks-pyBV0zMUFkD8Hz2N-9K1m5w-t500x500.jpg Glucose Getaway RodMod Old Sugar Rush theme when playing as Pizzelle