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Candysonas are NPCs and an upcoming mechanic in Sugary spire, not much is known about them besides the fact that they seem to be characters of developers, only a few have been shown in the Sugary Spire Discord Server.


Not much is known about them aside from the fact that they act like the Pizzasonas in Pizza Tower, standing on a floating platform and giving the player 150 points when interacting with them and are found only in the Secret rooms. Except instead of the Candysona thanking the player, the Candysona gets thrown off the platform.


  • LOSTMAN has stated that 26 candysonas out of the 30 developers have been added to the game, counting Heinzlike
  • Despite that candysonas are said to be exclusively for developers, a candysona based of Heinzlike's oc was made, Heinzlike is a well known artist in the sugary spire community who also did the cover art for the song buzzy. Her sprites we're made by Fishibi
    • There is also a candysona of FulsomeFrog despite him not being a developer either but rather a playtester for the game. He posted the sprites for his candysona in the sugary spire discord but it isn't fully decided if playtesters will have candysonas implemented.
  • Fishibi has said that MrUnown's candysona is "literally just a tree."
  • Candysonas have technically existed as early as Demo 1 (maybe even earlier) as some of the members of the team who worked on it have their own inside the Dev room, however only two of them are actually animated and you can just talk with them, with most of their dialogue being simply placeholders (literally)

Gallery (TBA)

General Animations



Developer Room